

Monday, 21 July 2014

First post ever!

Hello world, I am here! 

Just hoping this little hobby will get me busy and maybe even become something bigger.  

Here you can find little snippets of my life and a lot of sexual innuendos (also, no judgment here!). As someone who has nothing to do during summer (I don't have friends...), I decided to start recording my cheerful and not-so-happy moments so I will have something to reminisce about when I'm old and wrinkly, rocking in a chair and shouting at my mischievous grandchildren. 

So, as a visitor, you may probably be wondering about some stuff right now, for example: "Who the hell is this chick? Why am I here? If tomatoes are fruits, is ketchup - jam?" Well, fear not, ladies and gentlemen! You can find some lame facts about me below: 

1. My name is Nicole but my friends call me Nikki (I know, so bloody original. Actually my nickname used to be Goldilocks because of my 'blonde' (it's not blonde, it's honey blonde!) hair but it didn't really stick around).

2. I am 16 years old (well, 15, but I'm going to be 16 in 3 days...).

3. I really love parenthesis (because that wasn't obvious already).

4. Originally from Kazakhstan (yes, it is a real country, no, not all people live yurts and have prostitute mothers) but half Korean, and the other half is a mix of Russian, Polish, Ukranian etc.

5.  Extremely indecisive. Hell, it takes me an hour to decide what highlighter I should use, and they want me to make big decisions like what do I want for dinner? Scandalous. 

6. Adding to #5, my mind changes like a girl changes clothes (yes, that is a Katy Perry reference).
7. Avid Emma Stone, I mean, how can you not adore her? Marry me.

8. Now for the psychology lovers: ESFJ, Type 2 Wing 3, Choleric, Neutral Good (if you have no idea what this means, don't worry, you just have a life, congrats!).

9. My main dream and goal in life is to move to England permanently. I'm going to attend Sixth Form there next year so I have this going for me, which is nice.

10. As I grew, my love for serial killers grew with me - favourite serial killah is Ed Gein (many people really judge me when I tell them this fact but actually: people who like serial killers are way more fun that judgmental folks with a need to fit in! I have some minor anger management issues...).

11. I am truly amazed that I could gather 10 facts about myself because I am extremely self unconscious (hah, that is exactly why I'm taking Psychology, amirite?) 

BONUS FACT: I talk to my self a little...a lot...a huge lot. 

SUPER BONUS FACT: I don't like when things are perfect and that is exactly why there are 11 facts and not 10 or 15. Perfectionists and OCD people, you mad? ;)

Wow, if you're reading this, congratulations! I shall reward you with a baby picture of me because apparently people love cute pictures:

I literally spent four hours writing this...Well, writing this, watching Cougar Town, eating watermelon, shopping online, and, as much as I hate to admit, playing Kim Kardashian's game...*mentally slaps herself* 

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