

Monday, 28 July 2014

Birthday Haul

Hya everyone! So, it was my birthday on the 24th (fun fact: it was my sister's birthday too - we were born on the same day but she is 13 years older than me) and I just thought that I'd show you guys what I got! 

**DISCLAIMER: I am not showing off - I love looking at what other people get for their birthday so I thought I'd give it a go - I'm not bragging in any way**

Earlier in the week I posted a photo of this on my Instagram (@weekendwhispers) - my sister gave me this diffuser that smells like baked apples; it's from this vintage shop we have over here that sells cute bits & bobs like candles and coffee mugs. Smells delicious!

This lovely candleholder is also from my sister, and it's from the same shop as the diffuser. I haven't used it yet, but I adore candles. I might actually light it up right now!

I'm going to England this September and since I haven't travelled anywhere for more than 2 years, my Dad got me this bag from Samsonite, to put my documents and stuff in it when I'm in the airport. I use it as a day bag and since it's a neutral colour, it goes with everything! 

My friend has recently been to St. Petersburg and she brought back a few souvenirs for me. This pair of earrings was one of them. I love all things colourful and I definitely love these earrings!

This isn't really a birthday present but I ran out of shower gel and conditioner so I thought this could be a birthday present for me. From me. This is a Russian brand called Organic Shop and as the name suggests, it's organic. Duh.

I'm really into smells so ordering these products online was kind of a leap of faith because I can't actually smell them. The shower gel is cocoa and passionfruit. Personally, I am into light, sweet, fruity smells, and I must admit that I don't really like the smell of the shower gel - it's very musky, sexy and has a few sour tones to it. 

The conditioner has grape and honey elements to it. It smells nice - you can definitely smell the honey in it. But it's a very generic scent, I feel like this is what all conditioners smell like. 


What is your dream birthday present? Tell me in the comments below! :) 

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

5 Ways to Deal With a Directioner Friend

If you're anything like me, you are not a big fan of the band One Direction, but due to their immense popularity you just can not ignore them! Having such a great following, the band has taken over the world with their smug faces and wild hairstyles.

 My best friend is a true directioner and not a carrot (don't ask why I know what this means...), so if you are in my situation, this is a guide to help you cope with the agony you have to go through daily.

 As it happens, today is the band's 4 year anniversary (again, please don't ask how I know...) so when would be a better time to post this than today, when the fandom is at its peak?

**Disclaimer: I am, in no shape or form, trying to offend anyone. I am not a hater of the band, and all the exaggerations are used for comedic purpose only! I am completely on the fence about the band and I do not want to throw shade on it.**


 1. First and foremost: you have to resist the wild urge to pat the on the head. With a sharp beer bottle. Filled with sulfuric acid.

I know it takes a lot of effort but it is better to passively-aggressively scream into your pillow, than spend half of your life time in prison, feuding with angry red-headed Russian ladies...

Pic credit: http://bit.ly/UsL4v6

2. It is hard and annoying (haha that's what she said) to get spammed by all the gifs and pictures of One Direction that you could not care less about. 

The important thing to remember is that this person is sending this because he/she thinks you are worthy of it.

Some fans worship the band and want to express their feelings to others, which means that you, my friend, are someone who the trust so feel #blessed. 

3. Be open minded. I know you might feel like it is a waste of time and that you are above it all, but look at it as an opportunity to find something new. 

You can find out a little bit more about your friend and what they enjoy. Hell, you might even discover that you bloody love the band! 

Pic credit: http://bit.ly/1jVqC2k

4. Learn from them. Not all directioners are brainless over-emotional bimbos - many of them love the band because they genuinely respect the members (teehee) for what the do. 

And almost all individuals who "just can't" because of Harry's whimsical hair are not real directioners - they are phonies.  

Maybe you should follow their example and love someone for who they are and not just their looks?
Pic credit: http://bit.ly/UsQF4S

5. Finally, have fun with them! Oh, the jolly times of annoying your directioner friends by acting snobbish and skeptical.

 Entertain yourself by critisizing the band's management and the members themselves - wait, and watch how you friend explodes with rage, trying to prove you wrong, which will not do anything because you don't care! 

The only downside is that you might actually really hurt them...But hey, this post isn't titled "How To Not Screw Up Your Friendships".

Pic credit: http://bit.ly/1r7Vc7O

I hope this post helps you deal with your devoted friend, but if nothing works and you still want to rip them to shreds - just repeat this mantra to yourself: "I am calm and peaceful like the boundless ocean".

Monday, 21 July 2014

Mountain Trip

Finally, after days of sitting at home and watching Cougar Town (hey, don't judge), I got to enjoy the tender sun rays and the crisp mountain air. My mum woke me up at 9am, which is 4am in normal people time, and we made our way to our 'townhouse' (there's nothing there, just land...but my mum and my sister are "going to build something". No they won't).

As much as I adore nature, we all know that there are cons in everything, and in this case, the cons were BUGS. Okay, coming from someone who wanted to study entomology and zoology, it may seem weird that I'm not a fan of bugs. But man, they are annoying. I am absolutely paranoid that one of them will fly into my mouth and then I'll either choke to death or the swelling from the sting will slowly and painfully suffocate me. That's not just me, right?

I have a constant longing for being in the woods. I don't think I even have been to the woods. In my head they are just so calming and eerie, a place of mystery, where anything can happen, where you are isolated from your misfortune and only surrounded by the present. Not just me again, right?

Yes, these are butterflies having sex. How could I not take a picture of that? Once in a lifetime, guys, once in a lifetime.

First post ever!

Hello world, I am here! 

Just hoping this little hobby will get me busy and maybe even become something bigger.  

Here you can find little snippets of my life and a lot of sexual innuendos (also, no judgment here!). As someone who has nothing to do during summer (I don't have friends...), I decided to start recording my cheerful and not-so-happy moments so I will have something to reminisce about when I'm old and wrinkly, rocking in a chair and shouting at my mischievous grandchildren. 

So, as a visitor, you may probably be wondering about some stuff right now, for example: "Who the hell is this chick? Why am I here? If tomatoes are fruits, is ketchup - jam?" Well, fear not, ladies and gentlemen! You can find some lame facts about me below: 

1. My name is Nicole but my friends call me Nikki (I know, so bloody original. Actually my nickname used to be Goldilocks because of my 'blonde' (it's not blonde, it's honey blonde!) hair but it didn't really stick around).

2. I am 16 years old (well, 15, but I'm going to be 16 in 3 days...).

3. I really love parenthesis (because that wasn't obvious already).

4. Originally from Kazakhstan (yes, it is a real country, no, not all people live yurts and have prostitute mothers) but half Korean, and the other half is a mix of Russian, Polish, Ukranian etc.

5.  Extremely indecisive. Hell, it takes me an hour to decide what highlighter I should use, and they want me to make big decisions like what do I want for dinner? Scandalous. 

6. Adding to #5, my mind changes like a girl changes clothes (yes, that is a Katy Perry reference).
7. Avid Emma Stone, I mean, how can you not adore her? Marry me.

8. Now for the psychology lovers: ESFJ, Type 2 Wing 3, Choleric, Neutral Good (if you have no idea what this means, don't worry, you just have a life, congrats!).

9. My main dream and goal in life is to move to England permanently. I'm going to attend Sixth Form there next year so I have this going for me, which is nice.

10. As I grew, my love for serial killers grew with me - favourite serial killah is Ed Gein (many people really judge me when I tell them this fact but actually: people who like serial killers are way more fun that judgmental folks with a need to fit in! I have some minor anger management issues...).

11. I am truly amazed that I could gather 10 facts about myself because I am extremely self unconscious (hah, that is exactly why I'm taking Psychology, amirite?) 

BONUS FACT: I talk to my self a little...a lot...a huge lot. 

SUPER BONUS FACT: I don't like when things are perfect and that is exactly why there are 11 facts and not 10 or 15. Perfectionists and OCD people, you mad? ;)

Wow, if you're reading this, congratulations! I shall reward you with a baby picture of me because apparently people love cute pictures:

I literally spent four hours writing this...Well, writing this, watching Cougar Town, eating watermelon, shopping online, and, as much as I hate to admit, playing Kim Kardashian's game...*mentally slaps herself*